35. PETER DISOWNS HIS MASTER (Luke 22:31-33 and 54-62)
BACKGROUND: The leader should read Matt.10:32-33 in order that everyone will understand what a grave sin it is to deny knowing Jesus before
- If someone you love very much predicted that you would disassociate yourself with him/her on the same day, what would your reaction be?
- Why couldn't Peter believe the prediction of Jesus in verse 34?
- Why did Peter, unlike most of the other disciples, follow Jesus all the way to the courtyard of the high
- What was Peter afraid of when he disowned Jesus three times?
- What would you have done if you had been in the place of Peter?
- In what situation do you feel tempted to deny your Christian faith?
- In vs.61 Jesus' farewell to Peter is described. What do you think Jesus wanted to say to his fallen disciple through his last look?
- What made a grown man cry bitterly (vs. 62)?
- What did Peter think at this point about the conversation he had had with Jesus earlier on the day
(vs. 31-34)?
- What do you think it meant to Peter to know that Jesus had prayed for him and was praying for
- Earlier on, Peter had fiercely opposed the idea of Jesus being killed. What did he learn through this incident about why Jesus had to
- How did this incident make Peter capable of strengthening his brothers?
- How does our falling into sin make us capable of strengthening our brothers and
- Jesus is looking at you at this moment in the same way he looked at Peter after his fall. What do his eyes say to you?
GLAD TIDINGS: Peter disowned his Lord and Master, but was forgiven. Instead, Jesus had to experience being disowned by his Father while carrying the punishment of our cowardice to the cross.
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