19. THE RICH FOOL (Luke 12:13-21)
- Why do you think quarrels about inheritance are so common even in the best of families?
- What is the difference between the man in verse 13 and other people in the gospels who asked Jesus for
- What was the real problem of the man in verse 13?
- What would have happened if Jesus had done as this man asked him to do?
- Now look at the parable in verses 16-20. Think about the life this rich man had lived. Was it a happy life or not? Give your reasons.
- Would you wish your children a life where the only problem they had was the one described in verse 17?
- Why did God give sun and rain to the fields of a man who never even once thanked him for it?
- What was the religion (the god) of this rich man?
- What do we learn about the human relationships of this rich man?
- What was the greatest mistake of this man?
- Apply this parable to rich and poor countries. Which sin of ours does Jesus pinpoint through his parable?
- How should you use the money and possessions you have?
- Why didn't the rich man realize he had to die before it was too late?
- In which situations do you think about your death and coming judgment?
- What does vs. 21 mean? (How could the rich man have stored up riches in heaven? What does it mean to be rich toward
- Compare the rich fool with Jesus - what are the differences?
- Why did God demand life from Jesus, as he demanded it from the rich man (vs. 20)?
- Who benefited from what Jesus had earned while on earth (vs. 20b)?
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