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BACKGROUND: In the Gospel of Matthew, the man is described as a “young man” (19:22) and in the Gospel of Luke, it is revealed that the man was in high societal position, apparently a member of the Jewish Council (18:18). This young politician had done extremely well in his life. Take note that men never ran or knelt before others in Israel at that time.

• What made this young man behave as unusually as described in verse 17?

• Why did the man believe Jesus to have an answer to his question, even though he did not regard him as God?

• What does Jesus teach us about the human nature in verse 18?

• What is your opinion: are human beings inherently good or bad? Why/why not?

• Why didn’t this man have certainty about being saved even though he had obeyed God’s commands all his life?

• Why might we also be uncertain about what happens to us after death?

• Many politicians are tempted by money and women. How could this man have overcome all temptations without stumbling once (verses 19-20)?

• Take note that according to the Sermon of the Mount one has to obey the commands in thoughts and words, not only in actions. Do you think this man had been able to do this (verses 19-20)? Why/why not?

• Could you give the same answer to Jesus as the young politician?

• The man was missing one thing. Discuss different possibilities of what this one thing was (verse 21)?

• What kind of things do people usually consider their treasures (verse 21)?

• The man in the passage had actually two treasures on earth. What were they?

• How can you accumulate a treasure in heaven?

• Compare the treasure in heaven and treasure on earth. What differences are there between them?

• The man most likely had a family and old parents to provide for. What would have happened to them if he had obeyed Jesus’ request in verse 21?

• If you were in a similar situation, could you believe that God will take care of your wife, children, and parents?

• Would you be able to empty your bank account and give away everything you own if it was a prerequisite of following Jesus?

• What would have happened if Jesus had welcomed the man into his disciples without any conditions?

• According to verse 21, Jesus looked at the young man and loved him. Why did Jesus then talk to him so harshly that he went away?

• What options did the man have left when he realized that he could not give his treasure up?

• How might Jesus have reacted if the man had admitted that he loves money more than God and apologized for it?

• Compare the answer Jesus gave to the rich man to the one he gave to Peter (verse 27).

• Discuss whether it is possible for God to save a person who is tied to their earthly treasure.

GLAD TIDINGS: Jesus gave up his heavenly treasure when he came on earth. On the cross, he took on the punishment of the person tied to their treasure and idols – in your stead. What does this fact mean to you?


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