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BACKGROUND: In the Bible, virginity is valued and extramarital sex is forbidden. Verses 44-46 detail how an honored guest was usually received. At that time, it was normal to eat while lying down so it would spoil your appetite if the person next to you had unwashed feet. Take note that a woman was not allowed to let her hair loose if other men than her husband were present.

• The whole town knew that this woman sold her body. Think about different possibilities that had led to her being a prostitute.

• What did the woman in our passage know about real love?

• What things were important in the life of Simon, the pharisee?

• Why did Simon not have Jesus’ feet washed even though he had invited him into his home (verses 36, 44-46)?

• For what purpose did Simon invite Jesus to his home (verse 36)?

• Why did the woman want to meet Jesus so dearly that she was ready to go to Simon’s house to be berated and stared at?

• How was it possible for the woman to get past the gate guard into Simon’s house and all the way to the dining hall?

• An alabaster bottle of perfume cost a lot of money at the time. Discuss how the woman could have obtained the bottle, or for what purpose she could have purchased it.

• At the time religious people wanted nothing to do with sinful people. What made the woman believe and hope that Jesus would not reject her?

• Why did the woman want to touch Jesus (verse 38)?

• What is our reaction to a rat, snake, or say, a person we loath touching us?

• What did it mean to the woman that Jesus did not recoil at her touch?

• How long could it possibly have been since the woman last cried?

• What made the woman cry so much as to make Jesus’ feet wet?

• Why didn’t the woman dry Jesus’ feet with her hem or scarf but with her hair?

• The woman didn’t say a word during the dinner, but what did her actions say?

• In verses 40-42, Jesus tells a short parable of a banker and his debtors. The banker represents God, but who are the debtors Jesus is talking about?

• Jesus compares sin to a debt. 500 denarii are equivalent to a year’s wages and 50 denarii one and a half month’s wages (around €45,000 and €3,700 respectively). How much is 10 euros in your currency? Imagine that each of your sins increases your debt by 10 euros, how much do you think you owe God? (You may also reply silently in your heart.)

• Why did Simon disrespect both Jesus and the woman (verse 39)?

• Why is it much easier for us to spot other people’s sins than our own?

• Which did the woman do first: love Jesus or believe Jesus would forgive her sins (verses 42 to 43 and 47)? Justify your answer with the text!

• What happened to the iniquity that the woman owed God?

• What happened to the iniquity that Simon owed?

• What was the method of payment with which Jesus paid the iniquities of all people?

GLAD TIDINGS: Jesus knows all your sins and would still like to say to you: “All your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Verses 48 and 50) Jesus can say these words because he has paid for your sins with his blood. What is your response to Him? (You may answer silently in your heart.)


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