At the time of Jesus houses had flat roofs, which were made of limestone and tiles. There was a stairway
outside the house that led into the roof. If a person was paralyzed, it was usually due to a brain hemorrhage, which
would occur in middle age or later. The Son of Man refers to Jesus himself.
NOTE: A question in parentheses should only be asked if no one answers the previous question.
Imagine the everyday life of the paralyzed man. What kind of difficulties did he have to face? (What kind of care did
the man need? How did his human relations change on account of the illness? What were his plans/dreams for the future?
What was the meaning of his life?)
- Imagine the everyday life of the person who had to care for this paralyzed man. What would it be like?
In verse 5 it becomes clear that this man was a sinner. What kind of sins may a person commit even when unable to
- Discuss: Does an illness make us better or worse as human beings?
Who were the four men who carried the paralyzed man to Jesus (3)? Discuss various possibilities.
- What made these people as determined as verses 3-4 show them to be?
- Imagine step-by-step, starting from home, what these people had to do in order to place their friend before Jesus.
(What was difficult? What kind of tools did they need?)
The friends had brought the paralyzed man to Jesus so that he could be healed. Instead of healing the man why did
Jesus first forgive him his sins (5)? (Why did Jesus proceed in this order?)
- What did the forgiveness of sins mean to the paralyzed man?
Imagine that you were bringing your worst problem to Jesus, and instead of solving it he says: “My son/ my daughter,
your sins are forgiven!” Would you be sad or glad?
- If you could choose, which would you prefer: a good conscience with your problems unsolved? Or your problems solved
but with your conscience aching?
- When the heart of the paralyzed man was lightened because his sins were forgiven, how did his attitude toward his
illness change?
Whose faith is Jesus referring to in verse 5 - look carefully at the sentence structure.
- At which moment did the paralyzed man himself start to believe in Jesus?
This text is talking not only about faith but also about unbelief. Why didn’t the teachers of law want to believe
that Jesus was able to forgive sins (6-7)?
Answer the question that Jesus poses in verse 9. (What did it cost Jesus to heal the man? What did it cost him to
forgive the sins of this man?)
How can we “carry” to Jesus our loved ones, who are not able or do not want to come to him on their own account?
(Where can they meet Jesus?)
Jesus has led you to this Bible-study in order to be able to say to you: “My son/ my daughter, your sins are
forgiven.” What do his words mean to you in your present situation?
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