18. THE CRY OF A BLIND BEGGAR (Mark.10:46-52)
BACKGROUND: As far as we know, Jesus visited Jericho just once! It happened during his last journey to Jerusalem. Jesus was a direct descendant of David. God had promised this king that his son would sit on the throne of Israel forever
(2 Sam.7:12-16). The Romans, who were occupying the country at this time, didn't tolerate
anyone's referring to past kings, not to mention the present.
- If you had to earn your living by begging, what do you think would be the hardest part for
- What can one learn while sitting by a roadside year after year?
- How do you think Bartimaeus felt hearing about Jesus' visits to practically every place in Israel except Jericho during his three years of public
- Why didn't Bartimaeus seek healing for example in Jerusalem (30 km away) where Jesus went several times?
- Do you think Bartimaeus had a plan for contacting Jesus in case he came to Jericho?
- What do you think was the IQ of this blind beggar?
- How did Bartimaeus conclude that Jesus was the son of King David (vs.47)?
- Why was Bartimaeus not afraid of Romans when he cried at the top of his lungs, for the Son of David?
- How did his cry change when people tried to calm him down (verses
- How did Jesus react to the title of Son of David?
- Think of various reasons why people tried to silence Bartimaeus's cry for help.
- Instead of rebuking this blind man for crying out, what should the surrounding people have done
- Can you remember a time when the people around you refused to hear your cries for help? Why do you think it
- How do you think Bartimaeus felt when people told him Jesus was calling him
- Bartimaeus had probably taken good care of his cloak, which was both his mattress and his quilt at night. Why did he suddenly throw it away
- Why did Jesus ask Bartimaeus such an obvious question (vs.51)?
- Jesus asks you today the same question (vs.51). What will you answer
- How did Jesus heal the eyes of this man (verse 52)?
- Verse 52 can be translated in two ways: "Your faith has healed
you" or "Your faith has saved you." Why did Jesus want to say these words to Bartimaeus in front of
- Bartimaeus followed Jesus on the road, probably all the way to Jerusalem
(vs.52b). Why do you think he did so?
- The next day, everybody was shouting and calling Jesus "Son of
David" while he entered Jerusalem (Mark.11:9-10). Why had they lost their fear of the Romans?
- Within just a week of gaining his sight, Bartimaeus witnessed his benefactor being nailed to the cross. What do you think Jesus' death meant to him?
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