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11. THE WIDOW OF NAIN (Luke 7:11-17)

BACKGROUND: People call Jesus a great prophet because they remember how both Elijah and Elisha of the Old Testament raised a widow's son from the dead (vs.16).
  1. Think of various reasons why so many people wanted to attend this funeral (vs.12).
  2. Think about this widow's life. She had only one child at a time when everyone wanted as many children as possible. What do you think were the highlights in the life of this small family while the father was still living?
    • What had probably been worst for this woman when her husband died?
  3. What economical and psychological problems may arise when a mother is raising her only son alone?
  4. What was this mother possibly thinking about God while walking behind the coffin of her son?
  5. At the time of the young man's death Jesus was in Capernaum, a town about 40 kilometers from Nain (Luke 7:1). The funeral was held not later than the following day. Why did Jesus want to reach this funeral in time, even though it meant he had to walk hurriedly such a long distance?
    • Why did Jesus want to help this widow who had never asked him for help?
  6. In what situations have you felt that God's help couldn't possibly reach you in time?
    • How can we become convinced that the help of Jesus never comes too late?
  7. Why did Jesus say to the crying mother: "Don't cry!"
    • Jesus says today to you, too: "Don't cry!" What does he mean by that?
  8. How did Jesus raise the young man from the dead?
  9. What does Luke mean when he says: "Jesus gave the boy back to his mother" (vs.15)?
    • How do you think this incident changed the relationship between the mother and her son?
  10. The Heavenly Father, too, had to see his only Son being carried to his grave. Do you think his pain was greater or less than that of the widow?
    • In verse 16 it says: "God has come to help his people." Why didn't he help his own Son when he was dying?

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