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Gen 46:31 - 47:31

BACKGROUND: Locate Goshen and Rameses in the map. The Pharaohs called Ramesses ruled Egypt hundreds of years after these events so during Jacob’s time that place must have had another name. It’s like when we would call Norway’s capital in the 19th century Oslo even though its name was Christiania in those days.

- What kind of plan Joseph seems to have had for his family?
- What kind of conflicts Joseph probably tried to avoid here?
- What does verse 34 reveal also about Joseph’s own life?

- For which purpose was this encounter arranged?
- The Bible reader gets the picture that Joseph was standing all the time very tensed beside his brothers. What made him so tensed?
- What kind of picture do you get from Pharaoh?
- Do you think the brothers gave a good impression of themselves to the Pharaoh or did he keep his promise only because of Joseph? Give reasons for your answer.
- Do you think the Pharaoh knew what the brothers had done to Joseph? Give reasons for you opinion.

Imagine the scene when a 130 years old, white haired patriarch enters the throne room, limping and leaning to his stick. (He had a hip problem as a memory of God’s blessing.)

- Why did Jacob greet the Pharaoh by blessing him when entering and also when leaving the throne room?
- How do you think the 130 years old Jacob managed the etiquette of the Egyptian court?
- What do you think; how did Jacob see his own life (9)?
- What kind of picture the Pharaoh apparently got of his Prime Minister’s father?

- In which ways the life of Jacob’s family was different in Egypt from what it has been in the land of Canaan?
- What was the relationship between Joseph and his brothers probably like from now on?
- If you had been in Joseph’s shoes, how would you have arranged the feeding of the people?
- What would have happened, if the food had been distributed for free?

From the later history of Egypt we find out that the priesthood indeed was tax free, rich and powerful.

- What tells or implies us that the people regarded the 20 % taxation as moderate and their “land slavery” as tolerable?

- Why does Jacob talk about his funeral especially to Joseph?
- Why does the place of his grave seem to be extremely important to Jacob (29-31)?
- How are you prepared for your death?

Summarizing question:
- Where can you find Jesus in this chapter?

IN CONLUSCION: Jesus proclaimed Jacob as living almost 2000 years after his death: “ But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”(Matt. 22: 31-32)

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