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Gen 44: 1 – 45:3

- What do you think Joseph’s steward was thinking about all this mess?
- Why did Joseph choose exactly this way to test his brothers and why the cup had to be put especially in Benjamin’s sack?
- What does the brothers’ answer show us about them (7-9)?

The situation was still following: if the brothers were not able to bring the grain quickly back home, their families would starve to death.

- What was probably the worst thing for the brothers when the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack after all?
- Do you think some of the brothers doubted Benjamin, even for a second? Give reasons for your answers.
- How did Benjamin himself probably feel about this situation?
- Why didn’t the brothers envy Benjamin anymore for the father’s favor like they used to envy Joseph?
- What does it show about the brothers that none of them wanted to leave with the load of grain without their little brother (13)?
- What is needed for an adult to get rid of the sibling rivalry?
- What kind of thoughts probably went through the men’s minds as they were travelling back to the city (13)?
- What does the words of the verse 16 show us about Judah?
- How can the burden of guilt change a person?
- What do you think: Had the brothers talked to God about their guilt in those 20 years? Give reasons for your answer.

- What kind of a picture Judah gives of his old father and his relationship to him?
- What does Judah say about his little brothers Joseph and Benjamin and what does he leave unsaid?
- Judah had suggested the selling of Joseph over 20 years earlier. Now he would be ready to stay in Egypt for the rest of his life. What would be the consequences, if Joseph took his suggestion seriously?

- What had Joseph found out about his brothers before he revealed himself to them?
- Why didn’t Joseph want the Egyptians to be present in this situation?
- What caused such a massive outburst of feelings in Joseph?
- Try to describe the brothers’ feelings in that moment when they heard the Prime Minister of Egypt saying in their own language the words: “I am Joseph!”
- Why did Joseph ask a question to which he already knew the answer (cf.43:27-28)?

Summarizing question:
- Where can you find Jesus in this chapter?

IN CONCLUSION: Jesus, who was born of the tribe of Judah, became voluntarily a slave so that he could buy us free from the slavery of sin, death and devil. Jesus did exactly the exchange that his ancestor Judah in our text suggests.

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