24. NO SEEING, NO BELIEVING! (John 20:19-29)
BACKGROUND: The words of Thomas are recorded only three times in the New Testament. The leader may read
John 11:7-8,16 and 14:5-6.
- What were the good traits in the character of Thomas? What about the bad
- Why do you think Jesus had chosen a man like this as one of his
- Think of various possible reasons why Thomas was not with the other disciples on the evening of Easter
- Some of the disciples had seen the empty tomb, the empty strips of linen and heard the witness of Mary Magdalene. Did these men believe in the resurrection of Jesus at that point
(verse 19)?
- Why had Thomas decided not to believe in the resurrection although three things proved that it really had happened: the prophecies of the Old Testament, the predictions of Jesus himself, and the unanimous witness of his 10 best friends
(verse 25)?
- Which is more understandable for you; that Thomas would have believed in resurrection because of all the evidence, or that he still couldn’t do
- What, for you, is the thing most difficult to believe without seeing? (You can also answer this in your
- For the whole week that followed, Thomas was the only one among the rejoicing disciples who didn’t have any reason to be happy. How do you think he felt during those eight
- Why did Thomas nevertheless stick to the company of the other disciples instead of going his own
- What would have happened to Thomas if he had left his friends at this
- What will happen to us if we leave the Christian fellowship when we have some doubts about the truth of the Christian
- How do you think Thomas felt when, after a week, he heard his own words from the mouth of the risen Lord
(verse 27)?
- Do you think Thomas actually put his finger into the scars of Jesus? Give your
- What new things did Thomas realize about the meaning of Jesus’ cross through this
- Thomas was the first person in all the New Testament who calls Jesus
"God", not just "the Son of God" (verse 28). Why is it so important to believe that Jesus is God
- Can you make the same confession about Jesus as Thomas did?
- What does verse 29 say to you personally today?
- Why do we need to believe in God’s mercy and help, even before seeing or experiencing
- According to this passage, how does Jesus treat a person who wants to believe in him but
- What is the difference between a faith that is fighting against doubts, and a faith that has never doubted?
GLAD TIDINGS: When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he believed without seeing. He could experience only the wrath of God at that moment, and yet he called God his own God
(Matt.27:46). This is how he suffered the punishment of all doubting Thomases, and is able to help them even now.
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