19. SADNESS WILL TURN INTO GLADNESS (John 16:20-24, 32-33)
NOTE: Jesus speaks here about the effect on his disciples of his death – which would take place the following day.
- Why would the world possibly rejoice about the death of Jesus (verse 20)?
- What does Jesus want to say to us through the image of a woman giving birth (verse 21)?
- Why is it always painful for something new to be born?
- What new has been born into your own life, or into the lives of your loved ones, through pain you have
- Jesus is probably referring to his own death in verse 21. What does he want to say about it through the simile of
- How can grief and joy belong together (verse 22)?
- What kinds/sorts of things can take our joy away from us (verse 22)?
- What is the joy that nothing and no one can take away from us?
- According to Jesus, what condition is there for prayer being heard
(verses 23,24)?
- What difference is there between simply to praying to God and praying to him in the name of
- What does Jesus mean by his promise that his Father will give us whatever we ask him for
(verses 23,24)?
- Do you believe that the promises in verses 23 to 24 are valid in your case too? Give your
- What has been the most wonderful answer to your prayers during your life as a
- Jesus says in verse 33 that Christians will have trouble as long as they are in this world. What kinds of things is Jesus referring to by
- Why are so many Christians looking for a life without any troubles?
- What does it mean that we have peace in Jesus even in the midst of our
- In your opinion, can a Christian have peace in the midst of his sufferings, if he does not first believe that they come from the hand of God? Give your
- What does it mean that Jesus has overcome the world (verse 33)?
- Jesus wants to say verse 33 personally to you today. What do his words mean to you in your present circumstances?
Version for printing
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