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15. A KERNEL OF WHEAT THAT DIED (John 12:20-33)

BACKGROUND: It was the last night of Jesus’ life here on earth. He knew that he would be killed the next day. Through these words the Savior reveals to us something of the fierce struggle that was raging in his heart before his death.
  1. Why didn’t the Greeks turn directly to Jesus with their request (verses 20-21)?
    • Why didn’t Philip turn directly to Jesus with his request (verse 22)?
  2. What does it mean in practice to "love one’s own life" (verse25)?
    • What would it mean in practice to “hate one’s life in this world” (verse 25)?
    • Why can’t we humans become happy if we set doing so as our biggest goal?
    • What did verse 26 mean in the experience of the disciples?
    • How could you put verse 26 into practice in your own life?
  3. What kind of struggle was raging in the heart of Jesus at this moment (verses 27-28)? (Which alternatives did Jesus have to choose from?)
    • Jesus had decided to die for the sins of mankind even before he came to this world. Why was he nonetheless so deeply troubled in this situation?
    • What made Jesus to choose the way of a kernel of wheat?
  4. If you had to choose, which of these two would you take: a happy life which benefits no one else, or a life full of sufferings which brings great blessing to others? Give your reasons.
  5. Can you say concerning your own suffering what Jesus said: "It was for this very reason I came to this hour" (verse 27)? Give your reasons.
  6. What had Jesus set as the most important goal in his life (verses 28-29)?
    • Why would the name of God the Father be most glorified in the death of his Son?
  7. What do verses 31 and 32 mean?
  8. What was Jesus’ answer to Philip and Andrew’s request (verses 23-33)?
GLAD TIDINGS: Jesus gave up his life because of his love for us. Shouldn’t we then give our lives because of our love for him!

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