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9. A TREASURE ON EARTH (Mark 10:17-27)

Background: Matthew tells us that the man in our text was young (Mt 19:22) and according to St. Luke he was a ruler (Lk 18:18), i.e. in a high social position and very wealthy. This young man was thus really successful in his life. Note that in those days men in Israel usually neither ran nor knelt.

1.Reflect on different alternatives: what made this rich man behave so unusually as what verse 17 tells us. Did he expect an answer?

2. Why was the man uncertain of getting into heaven, even though he had obeyed God’s Commandments or in other words he had been leading a good life in his own estimation?

3. Many rich people get into difficulties with money and can drift into a bad life. What might be the reason that this man had got through all temptations without falling a single time (19-20)?

  • Note that according to Jesus the Commandments must be followed in thoughts and words, as well, not only in deeds. Do you think that the man had always done well even in his thoughts (19-20)?
  • Could you answer Jesus in the same way as the young man answered, now that you know that one can also sin in one’s thoughts?

    4. The man was still missing one thing. Suggest different alternatives what this thing might be (21).

    5. What kind of things people usually regard as their treasure (21)?

  • The man in our text had two treasured things on earth. What were they?
  • How can we gather treasure in heaven?
  • Compare the treasure on earth with the treasure in heaven. How many similarities and how many differences do you find?

    6.What alternatives were left to the man when he noticed that he had recourse to his possessions and good deeds more than to Jesus?

  • What could Jesus have done, if the man had confessed that he loved money more than God and if he had begged for forgiveness?

    7. Compare with each other the answer which Jesus gave to the rich young man (21) and that which he gave to his disciples (27). Why are they so different?

  • Think together: Is it possible for God to save one in whatever kind of situation one is (whether one is poor or rich clinging to one’s possessions)?

    GLAD TIDINGS: Jesus gave up his heavenly treasure when coming onto this earth. When dying on the Cross Jesus suffered the punishment which belongs to the them who cling to their treasure. Do you already guess why?

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