Background: Houses in biblical times were flat-roofed, built of limestone and bricks. They were presumably more easily pulled down than their Finnish counterparts. The roof was reached from the outside by climbing up a flight of stairs. In Jesus’ time people thought that a person had committed a serious sin, because he had fallen ill. The Son of Man means Jesus himself.
1. Imagine the daily life of the paralysed man. What kind of troubles and sorrows did it contain?
(What kind of care did the man need? How was his interaction with other people changed after he got ill?)
Imagine the life of the family member whose task it was to take care of the man.
In verse 5 we read that the man had sinned. What kind of sins can be committed even when one is unable to move? Discuss the topic: does a disease make us better or worse human beings?
2. Who were the bearers - reflect on different alternatives?
What made the bearers so determined as is told in verses 3 - 4?
List stage by stage starting from the doorsteps what the friends had to do to be able to lower the paralysed man down to Jesus. (What was difficult, what was easy?)
3. The bearers had brought their friend to Jesus to be healed. Why did Jesus first forgive him his sins (5)? (Why did Jesus choose this particular order?)
What did this forgiveness mean to this paralysed man?
4. Imagine that you would be bringing Jesus your most difficult problem and he would answer you by saying:” My Son / my Daughter, your sins are forgiven.” Would you become happy or unhappy?
How did the paralysed man’s attitude to his disease change when he was able to rejoice over the forgiveness of his sins?
5. Answer Jesus’ question in verse 9. (How much did it cost to Jesus to heal the man? How much did it cost to Jesus to forgive the man his sins?)
6. How could we help to bring / ”carry” to Jesus those of our friends who cannot or do not want to come to him on their own feet? (Where could they meet him?)
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